NACD Web Workshop


If the Internet is a giant library with no card catalog.....
How can you find all that wonderful information?
and how can you find it again?



Bookmark - A page on the Netscape Browser that lists URLs or Web addresses. Bookmarks serve as links for easy access to Web addresses. MS Explorer’s equivalent is called Favorite Places.To bookmark a Web page on your screen, click Bookmark on the bar, and when it is displayed, click Add Bookmark. The link then adds to the bottom of the Bookmark Listing.

Bookmark files are specialized web files. They contain specific HTML (Hyper Text Markup language) that enable a browser to date the file, add bookmarks, change information and act as a part of the browser program.

Bookmark files can also be viewed as a web page and a good bookmark file can be the basis for a web site reference link list. Two good examples are the San Joaquin Region RCD Center and Natural Resources Job Search

Working with bookmarks is not complex, but it will make your internet time more effective if you will study the menu choices and bookmark options in your browser program.

Learn how to make folders and subfolders in your bookmarks, to change the properties of a bookmark, and other basics before you are working with important links. Don't lose your search work simply because you haven't examined how bookmarks operate in your browser.


Bookmarks and Favorites Tips:


Need more help? A succinct overview on how to bookmark a web page is available online through CNN for Netscape and Explorer

NACD Workshop 1: Introduction to The Internet
created by Cyber-SierraRUNNING HORSE
Introduction The Internet Benefits Why get Online
Search Browsers Bookmarks Handling Email
Workshop :Basic Web Design  Ahead to Workshop 2 Ahead to Workshop 3   Workshop :Practice Web Pages

Conservation Jobs Center |  Conservation Grants Center |  Oak Run Library |  Cyber-Sierra 

Workshop Location: