Who hasn't dreamed of a job working in the woods observing wildlife? Have you considered working in habitat restoration, working at a wildlife preserve or at a refuge? Endangered species as well as invasive species all need attention - and jobs are created for those that love and care for wildlife.
In recent years wildlife concerns have dominated public land policy. That has created employment opportunities for wildlife specialties. However, politics change over time and if you are getting an education make sure you have some diversification in your choice of a major or minor degree.
The private sector also has great opportunities for wildlife management. Ranchers and farmers often lease property for hunting. Nonprofit organizations seek to conserve and enhance wildlife populations. Recreational groups increase opportunities to see and photograph wildlife. Habitat management becomes multipurpose. Think outside the box!
* Are you a Jobseeker with a disability? Check out our new section for Equal Opportunity Employment!
- Wildlife,Fisheries and Environmental Science
- Job vacancy board at Texas A and M is very good for wildlife and fisheries positions. Full time jobs, summer seasonal, and much more. Check it all out!
- Ornithology Exchange
- Full time jobs, summer seasonal, academic and more. There are a good variety of postings.
- Marci's Wildlife Job Search
- Sometimes the best source of wildlife information is a wildlife biologist's web site.
- National Wildlife Federation -- Job Opportunities
- Surprisingly, few of the jobs have anything to do with natural resources or wildlife. They are mostly management positions within the non-profit organization. Still, it's worth an occasional look to see if something pops up.
- American Society of Mammalogists
- Most members of ASM are professional scientists with a strong interest in the public good. They have a small, but interesting list of current jobs.
- Ornithological Society
- Positions and Opportunities section is available only On-line. This job list is edited about once every two weeks. It is specific for bird-oriented jobs.
- GM Sutton Avian Research Center
- Each year, the Sutton Avian Research Center hires a number of seasonal field technicians. These positions may include mist netting/banding, nest searching/monitoring, surveys, and radio telemetry. Most positions are for periods running from April through July, but they occasionally need technicians for other times of the year, and sometimes have positions that need to be filled immediately. look under 'About Us' for the opportunities.
- Wildlife Society
- The Wildlife Society has a new jobs board.Look under 'Engage'.
- American Zoo & Aquarium Association
- American Zoo and Aquarium Association lists employment vacancies. It's a different way of working with wildlife, and there's a wide variety of jobs.
- Society for Conservation Biology
- An extensive variety of jobs with wildlife.
- AnimalJobsDirect.Com
- Animaljobsdirect.Com is a new site with information and advice about working with animals. Details of all types of jobs with animals worldwide.
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...Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable -
if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things..." (Philippians 4:8)
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