Cyber-Sierra Workshop 2002: Web Site Power


View: Current Browsers

[Current Browsers][ Older Browsers][ Text Browsers][ Linx Browsers][ IE versus NS][ Check Your Work]


Here's the same page from the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality. In a plain text view the images don't appear, yet the page is still navigatable, and easy to read. Notice how the image text alternatives (where the images would usually show) add to the visitor experience instead of detracting:

view of page in plain text


Current Browsers][ Older Browsers][ Text Browsers][ Linx Browsers][ IE versus NS]

Index |  Basics |  Prepare |  Web 101 |  Anatomy |  Check It | 



WORKSHOPS: E-Mail and Outreach |  Web 101 |  Building Accessible Webs |  Web Security | 

Workshops Location:
2002 copyright © Cyber-Sierra.Com, on-line since 1997