Waddaya gonna say?CONTENT and PRESENTATIONare the key factors in a Web site's long-term success |
Form follows Function:
The "function" of a web site is to communicate ideas and generate action from the visitor. Your "form" is your content and site design, which allows you to accomplish this.
You can have a visually beautiful site, but if it doesn't cause the desired action from your visitors, then you've failed to communicate.
Converting Content to Web Pages:
Using what you already have.Many programs today contain the ability to convert their document files into web pages. Some programs are more successful at this than others. Much of your District's current print material is already in computer files can be converted to web page content without extensive modification. Your Fact Sheets, Reports, Studies, Event Announcements, Press Releases, can all be possible web pages.
Your District may already have a program that can make a basic web page:
Microsoft Word 97 (and other newer word processing programs like Word Pro) Most documents can convert directly to HTML as part of the "Save As.." feature of each program. The saved file can then be modified in any HTML Editing program to add navigation features.
- Limitations- translating word processing documents to web pages does not give identical looks. You'll still need some sort of web page editor to add site navigation links.
- Advantages - web pages can be created in a very short period of time
- Tips- If you know your Word document will be used as a web page, keep to basic font styles and sizes and use features like tables that convert easily.
Excel Files can be directly converted to HTML using the "convert to html" feature in the program.
- Limitations - requires some knowledge of HTML to use most effectively.
- Advantages - Can be accomplished in less time than retyping the document.
- Tips - making corrections or changes is easier the Excel program rather that through the Web Editing program, so take this into account before you save the file into HTML.
Power Point- can be used to transfer a slide show to your web site.Just follow the instructions in the Power Point tutorials, and your presentation can do double duty, right online. One example is at: http://www.fb-net.org/africa/
- Limitations - fairly limited capabilities. Look at it as a way to utilize existing material rather than an alternative to a web editor.
- Advantages - You can get quite a lot of material converted in a short period of time.
- Tips - Read the tutorials. If you are starting from scratch, take web site characteristics into account in your design.
MS Publisher: Publisher has some pre-designed web sites which can make constructing your first web site a snap.
- Limitations - not a full featured web editor. You'll probably find you need a stronger program to manage your site or if you have numerous pages. If you need to go beyond the wizard, you'll have about the same learning curve as a more flexible program.
- Advantages - Building a page from the wizard is very fast for small sites. Creates very pretty coordinated sites taking a lot of the guess work out of site creation. If you already know the program you will have a fairly fast learning curve. If you already have material built in Publisher, much of it may adapt.
- Tips - Read the tutorials. Be sure and save your files as a web pages, not as images. If you go beyond the wizard pay attention to how you linking the pages together.
NACD Workshop 2: Web Design
created by Cyber-SierraYour Internet Presence How Web Sites Work Say What? Design Basics Navigation Get Repeat Visits Edit your Pages Need a Pro? Need a Domain? Market your Site
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The beginning of the workshop is at: http://nacdnet.org/workshops/intro.htm